The speciality update is a monthly held academic forum where Ceylon College of Physicians collaborates with sister colleges. Aim of this programme is to share expert knowledge of members from sub-specialties with the specialists from other disciplines as well as postgraduate trainees, medical officers, and medical students. Each month is dedicated to a particular speciality and the relevant college take the lead in organizing four to five lectures.
What's New in Cardiology
Dr W S Santharaj
MBBS MD FACC FRCP(Edin) FESC Consultant Cardiologist, Durdans and Nawaloka Hospitals
Acute Coronary Syndromes: The Sri Lankan Perspective
Dr Suneth Karunarathne
MBBS MD MRCP MRCPS(Glasgow) MRCP specialty cetificate in Diabetes Consultant cardiologist, Teching hospital Anuradhapura
Rare Etiologies Of Acute Coronary Syndrome
Dr W Gotabhaya Ranasinghe
MBBS MD FCCP FRCP FAPSIC FACC FESC Consultant Cardiologist, Institute of Cardiology, NHSL Colombo
Dr N Piratheepan
MBBS MD Senior Registrar Institute of Cardiology, NHSL Colombo
Dr K Theekshana Premawansha
MBBS MD Senior Registrar Institute of Cardiology, NHSL Colombo
HIV Associated Opportunistic Infections
Dr Lakmal Fonseka
MBBS MD DPhil(Oxon) MRCP Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine, University of Ruhuna
Infections: Old and New
Dr Charles Woodrow
Consultant in Clinical Infection & Acute General Medicine John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford, UK
Case Based Discussion: LEPTOSPIROSIS -Old foe with new tricks
Dr Wimalasiri Uluwattage
MBBS(Col) MD FRCP(Edin) FCCP Consultant Physician Teaching Hospital Karapitiya
Dr R S kodithuwakku
MBBS (USJP) Registrar in Medicine Teaching Hospital Karapitiya

In collaboration with Sri Lanka College of Pulmonologists
An Overview of Exposure Related Lung Diseases
Dr Leanne Griffin
Consultant Respiratory Physician, Glangwili Hospital, Wales, UK
The Epidemic of indoor Air Pollution
Dr Neranjan Dissanayake
Consultant Pulmonologist, Teaching Hospital, Rathnapura
Case Based Discussion: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: An Overlooked Cause of Dyspnoea
Dr W N S Kularatne
Consultant Chest Physician National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases, Welisara
Dr Heshani De Silva
Senior Registrar in Respiratory Medicine National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases, Welisara