The theme for the year 2025 ‘Physicians for the Future’ was aptly chosen with the objective of preparing the Sri Lankan physician for the future Sri Lanka and the Future Global village.
Vidya Jyothi Prof. Prasad Katulanda
President CCP 2025
I am honored and privileged to take over the leadership of the Ceylon College of Physicians at a pivotal moment in the history of our profession, both globally and locally. The medical profession is at a turning point today, with the advancement of technology, artificial intelligence, and the need to balance these innovations with clinical medicine, humanity, and empathy.
Locally, brain drain has been at an unprecedented level, and physicians have to care for their patients with many resource constraints. The theme for the year 2025, “Physicians for the Future,” was aptly chosen with the objective of preparing the Sri Lankan physician for the future Sri Lanka and the future global village.
I extend my gratitude to the membership for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dream as a young physician—to serve the country through the College. To achieve the broader objectives for the year 2025, we have selected a dynamic council comprising experienced seniors and young enthusiastic physicians from all corners of the country.
Sri Lanka has achieved remarkable milestones in the health sector over the decades, especially in reducing overall neonatal, infant, and maternal mortality, achieving very high levels of vaccination against deadly diseases, and eradicating some infectious diseases such as polio and malaria. Despite these successes, the country continues to face significant health challenges, particularly related to infectious diseases and, more importantly, non-communicable diseases.
Leptospirosis, which affects mostly our paddy farmers, causes a significant number of hospital deaths. It can notoriously cause epidemics, such as the recent one in Jaffna, leading to numerous hospital admissions and deaths. Dengue fever, which is endemic to Sri Lanka, now comes up periodically as epidemics, overwhelming both hospital services as well as preventive services. Tourism, a major contributor to the Sri Lankan economy, can be significantly negatively impacted by infections such as dengue and rabies.
We are unlikely to ever forget the deadly COVID pandemic, which left an irreversible dent in the economy. Tuberculosis is still rampant, with many patients diagnosed every day at hospitals throughout the country. HIV, although not as deadly as it used to be, is still at large, while patients with illnesses like leishmaniasis are being diagnosed more often now. As the years move on, new infections will continue to emerge, and old and forgotten infections will continue to reemerge.
The epidemiological patterns of diseases have changed over time. Although overall death rates have come down, the percentage of deaths due to non-communicable diseases has increased. Non-communicable diseases have also become important causes of morbidity. Ischemic heart disease and cancers are now the leading causes of death in Sri Lanka.
The demographic pattern in Sri Lanka has changed dramatically over the last few decades. We have become a fast-aging population, and the traditional risk factors for early death have been replaced by new ones. Out of the top risk factors causing deaths and disabilities, high fasting plasma glucose and obesity (high body mass index) have gained increasing relevance, while alcohol use continues to remain a significant risk factor.
When evaluating a nation’s health, it is essential to consider health expenditure. Over the years, current health expenditure has seen a significant increase. However, the percentage of government contribution to this expenditure has paradoxically declined. Concurrently, there has been a rise in private sector spending, resulting in higher out-of-pocket expenses for individuals. This shift places an increasing financial burden on the people for their healthcare needs.
We face numerous additional challenges in the health sector. The brain drain, which worsened with the economic collapse a few years ago, has become a significant issue. A considerable number of doctors who went abroad for post-graduate training have not returned to Sri Lanka. This brain drain affects not only medical specialties but also other areas of our human health resources. Additionally, many nurses and paramedical professionals are leaving the country in search of better opportunities.
The Ceylon College of Physicians, over the years, has provided commendable opportunities for continuous professional development for both its members and other doctors at large. In 2025, my council and I plan to embark on several initiatives to prepare our “Physicians for the Future.”
1. Streamlining and strengthening of the Continues Professional Development ( CPD ) activities.
Since its inception, the Ceylon College of Physicians (CCP) has prioritized providing countless opportunities for its members to update their knowledge through various activities.
We aim to further strengthen the utilization of these Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities by our members through an initiative similar to those implemented by the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal Australian College of Physicians.
Our plan includes the development of an online CPD portal and a CPD diary, which will be aligned with the National CPD program proposed by the Ministry of Health.
The CCP CPD program will remain voluntary, and a certificate will be awarded to those who achieve a satisfactory level of CPD within a given year.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Technology
During 2025, one of the foremost objectives is to empower physicians with the latest technologies and innovations. New developments such as artificial intelligence (AI), telemedicine, and other digital technologies will be of utmost importance for the future physician.
An initiative to develop these skills will be launched alongside discussions on the broader ethical and legal issues that may arise with the widespread application of AI.
3. Promotion of research and innovation.
The CCP will focus on promoting research among physicians, especially on context-specific research and research relevant to the country. Research in the areas of tropical medicine and non-communicable diseases will be encouraged.
To encourage clinicians working in the Ministry of Health to undertake more research, we will facilitate collaborations with academia and research institutions through a research facilitation arm.
4.Health promotion, community engagement and advocacy.
Since most of the illnesses causing death and disability in Sri Lankans are linked to lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity, tobacco use, and excessive calorie and alcohol intake, we believe that physicians have an increasingly important role in health education, health promotion, and prevention.
A community engagement and education program with public health experts will be organized.
5. Fostering collaborations.
The CCP will specifically focus on fostering collaborations with other associations, sister colleges, other professional colleges, and departments of the Ministry of Health to achieve our broader objectives for the health of Sri Lankan citizens.
6. Promoting palliative care.
In a setting with an increasingly aging population, an increasing number of people with terminal illnesses, either due to organ failures or cancers, are seen in hospitals and in the community.
We hope to have a wider discussion on issues related to palliative care and the management of the terminally ill with relevant associations and colleges, as well as with the public.
7. Infectious diseases and antibiotic stewardship.
As infectious diseases are still rampant and antibiotic resistance is becoming a major problem in hospitals as well as in the community, the CCP, with the Infectious Disease Forum, will launch a special initiative on antibiotic stewardship with the relevant stakeholders.
Furthermore, infectious disease days will be organized to provide updates and education on infectious diseases.
8. Promotion of resilience, patriotism and leadership
Resilience, perseverance, and patriotism are important qualities for any professional, particularly when working with multiple challenges amidst limited resources. This is particularly important in the current context.
We will take measures to reduce physician burnout through various innovative initiatives. Through the CCP Leadership Forum, we will inculcate leadership qualities and communication skills among our trainees and young members to nurture them to become future leaders of healthcare in Sri Lanka.
9.The CCP building project
The Ceylon College of Physicians is badly in need of our own home to carry out the enormous amount of work that’s done for the profession and the nation. Our council will work hard on this initiative along with the buildings committee to fulfill this task.
Many of our patients are poor, and the health system has meagre resources. In such a context, by embodying the necessary attributes, we believe that the Sri Lankan specialist physician can ensure sustainable healthcare advancements, contribute to national and global medical innovation, and most importantly, optimally address the health needs of our fellow citizens and be their true healers.
I would like to invite all members of the CCP to rally around the college in helping to achieve our goals.