Explore pivotal moments that have shaped CCP's trajectory and the world around us. From groundbreaking achievements to significant milestones, join us in reflecting on the past as we stride into the future.

- Constitution of the Ceylon College of Physicians (CCP) is approved and the first Council is
- Office bearers
- President – Dr Edmond Medonza Wijerama MD (Lond), MRCP (Lond).
- Honorary Joint Secretaries/ Treasurers – Dr CP Wijesinghe and Dr NDW
- Council members – Dr OR Medonza, Prof K Rajasuriya, Dr L Ranasinghe, Dr EH Mirando, Dr DB Gunasekara, Dr WDL Fernando, Dr (Miss) Doris Peiris
- Any member of a recognized College of Physicians without regards to the subjects they have specialized in
- Medical practitioners with postgraduate doctorates in General Medicine
- Practitioners holding post graduate degrees in allied subjects – by applying to Council Council meetings are fixed for the first post-poya day of each
- First Foundation Lecture titled “Physicians – Ancient & Present” is delivered by Dr EM Wijerama, President CCP with the Chief Justice of Ceylon as the chief guest, at the Anatomy Lecture Theatre of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, on 19th February.
- First Scientific Meeting lecture titled “The Electrocardiogram in Healthy Young Ceylonese” is delivered by Dr K Dharmadasa, Physician, GH Ratnapura, on 18th June.
- First Annual General Meeting is held on 29th September.
- Dr Lucien de Zylwa, Dr G Cooke, Dr VEP Seneviratne and Dr DJT Leanage are elected as the first Honorary Members of the College.

- The Sanskrit phrase “Arogyam Shanthi Sukkham” meaning “Cure Relief Comfort” is approved as the College Motto.
- The College Emblem, designed by International Advertising Service (free of charge); under the guidance of Dr NDW Lionel and Dr N Kodagoda, is approved.
- The first subcommittee on postgraduate education is elected.
- Members – Prof K Rajasuriya, Dr N Nagaratnam, Dr EH Mirando and one Joint Secretary A seminar is organized on a selected topic (Amoebiasis) for the first time.
- Senator Dr RB Lenora gives notice to Senate for the introduction of the Bill to Incorporate the CCP by an Act of Parliament.
- The College Journal, “The Transactions of the Ceylon College of Physicians” is published.
- Dr N Nagaratnam is appointed first Editor, assisted by Prof K Rajasuriya and Dr N Kodagoda. A decision is taken to publish articles based on the lectures delivered at scientific meetings of the College and the Proceedings of the College. Funds are provided from a grant of Rs.2000/- from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Housing.
- The scrolls to be presented to the Fellows and Members are designed. The citations are prepared by Dr L Ranasinghe. The scrolls are hand written by an artist and printed by block.
- The Council decides that maroon, silver and black will be College colours. Accordingly, the College tie and banner are designed.
- Sir Max Rosenheim, President Royal College of Physicians London, is inducted as the 1st Honorary Fellow of the College

- Office space for the College is rented from the CMA house for a yearly rental of Rs. 300.
- College appoints Dr E Wijerama, Dr WD Ratnavale and Dr LO Abeyratne as the first Board of Trustees.
- First College oration in memory of Dr Cyril Fernando is established on an endowment made by Mrs Cyril Fernando. It is decided to award the orator with a gold medal which will carry the Crest of the College on one face and the words “Cyril Fernando Memorial Lecture” inscribed on the opposite face .
- Council decides that orations are to be delivered only by CCP members.
- College collaborates with RCP, London to hold the MRCP (UK) Part 1 examination in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka becomes the first country chosen by RCP to hold this examination outside Britain.
- The Bill incorporating the College by an Act of Parliament is passed in the Senate in December.

- First Cyril Fernando Memorial Lecture is delivered by Professor Bruce Perry titled “Some changes in the pattern of disease and in the practice of Medicine”.
- MRCP (UK) Part 1 is held with the Royal College of Physicians, UK. 19/47 are successful.
- Bill incorporating the College by an Act of Parliament is presented to House of Representatives on 22nd February by Mr Bernard Soysa MP.
- Governor General of Ceylon gives his assent to incorporate the CCP by an Act of Parliament in March.
- Prof K Rajasuriya, Dr EH Mirando, Dr K Dharmadasa, Dr EV Peiris, and Dr S Sathkurunathan are appointed to the standing committee to select lecturers for Foundation Lectures and Endowment Lectures of the College.
- Advanced Course in Medicine is conducted for candidates preparing for MD (Ceylon) and MRCP (UK) Part 1.
- Subcommittees are appointed in Pathology, Paediatrics, and Forensic Medicine to prepare programmes for training and examination in these specialities.
- Dr EM Wijerama is inducted as the 1st elected Fellow of CCP.

- Two subcommittees are appointed for History of Medicine and Finance. Guidelines for functioning of subcommittees are prepared.
- The College nominates a representative to the “Advisory committee on postgraduate education” of the Ministry of Health established to develop postgraduate medical education in Sri Lanka.
- Candidates successful at the examinations held by Boards of Studies are recognised as eligible for membership of the College.
- First History of Medicine lecture is delivered by Prof K Rajasuriya in December.

- Dr PB Fernando Memorial Trust is established.
- A Postgraduate Medical Centre is opened in Badulla. The College agrees to meet its expenditure not exceeding Rs. 500/- annually.
- Commissioner of Inland Revenue exempts the Income of CCP from income tax.

- The College nominates four members to the Interim Board of Study in Medicine, University of Sri Lanka. The members are Dr EH Mirando, Dr RS Thanabalasundrum, Dr JB Peiris and Dr CP Wijesinghe.
- For the first time, twenty lay persons are invited for the foundation dinner. The foundation lecture is advertised in the Ceylon Daily News and is delivered by Dr GR Handy.
- The College contributes in preparing the draft regulations for the establishment of Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM).
- For the first time, an editorial board of is appointed to the College journal. The members are Dr RS Thanabalasundrum, Dr JB Peiris and Dr CG Uragoda.
- The first PB Fernando memorial lecture titled “Rh Factor” is delivered by Sir Cyril Clarke.
- CCP makes arrangements with visiting overseas speakers to obtain journals for the peripheral hospitals.
- Dr NJ Walloopillai, Dr CG Uragoda, Dr JB Peiris and Dr US Jayawickrema are appointed as first College nominees to the Board of Study in Medicine of the PGIM.

- CCP is included in the list of bodies recognized by the PGIM.
- The Council decides to allow for postal ballots for the election of office bearers other than the President.
- A decision is made to award the Foundation Lecture to the Fellows of the College nominated by the Council.
- CCP decides to have a selection test if more than 200 candidates apply for MRCP (UK) Part 1. Drs WD Ratnavale, NJWalloppillai, US Jayawickrema, JB Peiris, CG Uragoda and Prof WJ Gomes are appointed for the selection exam subcommittee.
- The first secret ballot for the election of seven Council members is held. Drs PT de Silva, K Dharmdasa, US Jayawickrema, N Nagaratnam, KJ Nanayakkara, S Ramachandran and Prof WJ Gomes are elected.
- Name of the CCP journal is changed from “Transactions of the Ceylon College of Physicians” to “The Journal of the Ceylon college of Physicians”. The journal is to be published annually and is made open for research articles not necessarily read before the College.
- PGIM takes over the conduct of postgraduate exams including MRCP (UK) Part 1 which would serve as a selection test for other branches of Medicine including Paediatrics, Pathology, Microbiology and General Practice.
- MD (Cey) is not considered as a qualification to become a member of CCP. Need for a change in the constitution is discussed and process initiated. The name to be elected as next President of CCP is recommended by the Council to the membership at the AGM.
- “Life membership” category is instituted under “Categories of Members” 100th Council meeting is held on 23rd October 1976.
- The first issue of the “Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians” is published.

- Endowment lectures are made open for non-members of CCP for a two year trial period.
- 10th anniversary celebrations are planned and a decision is taken to make anniversary celebrations a yearly event. College cloaks are designed for Council members and the President.

- 10th Anniversary academic sessions are held in September at the Anatomy Lecture Hall, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo followed by Dinner at Jubilee Room, Galle Face Hotel. Dinner tickets are priced at Rs. 25/=.
- The Council decides that the secretaries’ report, treasurer’s report and audited statement of accounts are not to be published in the Journal of the CCP as it is no longer published as a record of transactions of the College.
- Dr PB Fernando Memorial Lecture is advertised in Ceylon Medical Journal.
“We acknowledge with a deep sense of gratitude, the valued leadership of our outgoing President Dr NJ Walloopillai for using his personal influence on many occasions for the benefit of the College.”
– From the Secretaries’ Report 1979

- Drs NJ Walloopillai, CG Uragoda, S Sathkurunathan and Prof K Dharmadasa are appointed to the Health Council as College nominees.
- CCP campaigns for increasing the representations in Board of Study and Board of Management of PGIM.
- Seminars on Recent Advances in Sub Specialities of Medicine are commenced. Initial sub-specialities identified are Neurology, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Tropical diseases, Fungal Diseases and Endocrinology
- CCP presses for the approval of private sector medical certificates to be issued for up to 3 months. Meetings out of Colombo is held for the first time. The first seminar on “Stroke” is held with the Kandy Society of Medicine.

- A seminar on “Current controversies in Medicine” is held.
- Criteria to award Fellowship of CCP are laid down and two Fellows are elected to the Council.
- College Presidency is limited to a maximum of two consecutive years.
- Research grants are made available to those successful at MD Part II.
- The first President of CCP, Dr EM Wijerama, passes away in December.
- Dr EM Wijerama Endowment Research Grant is established from the College funds.
- Council cloaks are obtained in College colours.Black cloaks, with a silk maroon border in front are stitched by Claunal Enterprises.
- For the first time, sponsors of the anniversary celebrations are allowed to run stalls.
- An award is introduced in the memory of Prof NDW Lionel for the best student in Pharmacology from the Colombo Medical Faculty.
- Later, upon a request made by Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Ruhuna, the award is given to a student from the University of Ruhuna.
- Funds are provided from the interest of the CCP Commemoration fund.

- Statutory committees are appointed for Education, Constitution and Finance.
- Outstation members representing Peradeniya, Kandy, Galle and Jaffna are appointed to the Council and are allowed to attend every third l meeting.
- The Council commences identifying each meeting by the numerical number of the meeting.
- It is decided to hold the anniversary celebrations for three days in September, and to have Presidential address on the day of the Inauguration, and Cyril Fernando and PB Fernando orations during the sessions.
- A registration fee is charged from all participants, except interns and medical students who are registered free.
- Inauguration is held at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, and the sessions at the New Anatomy Lecture Hall, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo.
- Programme book with abstracts of presentations is printed.
- Dr EM Wijerama award and Prof NDW Lionel award are awarded for best papers.
- The anniversary celebrations and the AGM are postponed to November due to disturbances in the country.
- “Bibliography of Medical Literature” is prepared Dr CG Uragoda as a CCP publication by.

- Dr WAS de Silva is appointed as the CCP member to the Board of Cosmetics, Devices and Drugs Authority First MD part I MCQ course is organised.
- The College’s recommendation to the Board of Management of the PGIM that the minimum of one year’s overseas training at an approved centre is an absolute necessity of adequate consultant’s training is accepted.

- MD (Medicine, Psychiatry, Pathology, Paediatrics) from 1982 awarded by the PGIM eligible to become members of CCP
- Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians UK (i.e. London, Edinburgh, Glasgow) or Ireland
- Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Canada
- Those with Board Certification in Internal Medicine in the USA
- Men of Distinction in related fields of Medicine – to be elected by the Council of CCP It is decided to award PB Fernando memorial oration by invitation, on a topic decided by the CCP.

- CCP initiates dialogues with sister associations in India, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan and Thailand to enable regional co-operation.
- Mr/s Ernst & Winnie are officially appointed as auditors.
- Money in College account is invested in Fixed Deposits.

- CCP initiates sponsorship schemes for local MD trainees proceeding to UK for further training. Presidents of RCPs Edinburgh and Glasgow express their willingness to arrange placements and training for Sri Lankan trainees.
- Links with Australia and New Zealand are renewed with regard to post MD training and Royal Australasian College of Physicians steps in to offer postgraduate posts for trainees.
- An official maroon-coloured silk tie carrying the College emblem is designed by Dr C Selvie Perera and is introduced at the sessions.

- The College decides to award fellowships to all founder members.
- On a proposal by Dr CS Perera the Young Physicians Forum is initiated, paving the way for young physicians who return following completion of overseas training to address the College on a subject of interest.
- Dr EV Peiris recommends Rs.1000/- to be given to the best paper or review lecture from EM Wijerama endowment.
- Mrs Mallika Hemachandra donates “The badge of the President” to the College.
- Regular dialogues take place between CCP, PGIM and Ministry of Health regarding the issue on trainees in specialities without specialized units/ centres.
- The time of CCP council meeting changes from 7 pm to 12 noon with signing of an agreement with the Foreign Minister by the GMOA to refrain from private practice from 12 noon to 2 pm.
- Dr JB Peiris becomes the first College President to receive an honorary fellowship from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians

- A Membership drive is initiated to attract more members to College.
- The Council recommends awarding of Fellowships to those with outstanding contribution to research and academic activity.
- Fellows of the College are to depict their qualifications as FCCP (Sri Lanka).
- CCP discusses with Ministry of Health to reduce the cost of drugs in the public sector.
- On an initiative of Dr DN Athukorala College commences production and sale of cassettes of College lectures which become a popular feature among outstation physicians.

- Publication of a monthly “Medicine Update” is initiated.
- Initiated by Dr KSA Jayasinghe a workshop on clinical training is held in collaboration with PGIM.
- Young Physician’s Forum is started as a “teach-in” session. The three best papers are awarded cash prizes under the EM Wijerama endowment fund.
- Joint meetings are held with the College of Surgeons, College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, College of General Practitioners and the Paediatric Association.
- A Research fund is initiated to give prizes for research done in Sri Lanka. College lectures are initiated and eleven lectures in this series are completed. Mace for the College is obtained.
- A decision is taken to award part of profit from academic sessions to a research paper of quality. College donates Rs.15,000/= to the Sri Lanka Medical Library.
- On the President’s initiative the College holds the Sir Aldo Castellani memorial oration in honour of a distinguished scientist and the head of the Medical Research Institute. The inaugural oration is delivered by Dr Tissa Vitarana.
- Prof Priyani Soysa says “no” to milk food advertisements at the College dinner. Dr Arthur C Clarke and Dr PR Anthonis are conferred honorary fellowships.
- Publication of the abstracts of the sessions and closed circuit TV monitoring of the presentations is done for the first time during the anniversary sessions.
- Dr OR Medonza, a founder Council Member, passes away.

- Prof Priyani Soysa, the first woman President of the College, is inducted to the Office ceremonially, a tradition that continues to date.
- Inauguration of the anniversary sessions is held at the BMICH with the Royal College of Physicians, London. The Chief Guest is Dame Margaret Turner- Warwick, its immediate Past President.
- The College handbook is published for the first time.
- A special silver jubilee edition of the Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians is published.
- On a resolution proposed by Dr C Selvie Perera, the Constitution is amended at the AGM to create a post of President-Elect instead of Vice President.
“The College during its existence of 25 years has grown to be a giant in the medical fraternity of the Country and gained a respectable reputation internationally.”
– From the Annual Report 1992

- Subcommittees are formed for Academic, Research, Finance, Fellowships and Publicity media activities.
- Dr HN Rajaratnam takes over publishing Medicine Update.
- Guidelines for application for the research grant are laid down.
- The Conference of Professional Medical Colleges, a body representing all the major Colleges is formed thus making it possible to speak in one voice when dealing with the Government, the public and with each other on all matters relating to professional standards.
- Entry criteria for presentations at the Young Physicians Forum are defined.
- Meetings are organized with Regional Clinical Societies to involve outstation members in College activities.
- Prof Rezvi Sheriff agrees to pursue obtaining a plot of land from Urban Development Authority to set up a new secretariat for the College and succeeds in obtaining a land from Sarana Road, Rajagiriya.
- Mrs EV Peiris initiates an endowment oration in the memory of her late husband Dr EV Peiris. A workshop sponsored by the World Health Organization is organized to discuss CME and how it should be implemented in Sri Lanka.

- The inaugural Dr EV Peiris oration is delivered by Dr SHSP Nanayakkara.
- Emergency meetings are held to discuss litigation against Prof Priyani Soysa. College affirms its faith in her as a Past President, council member, colleague and teacher. CCP issues a press statement highlighting her contribution to society.
- As a result of ensuing discussions, a committee is appointed to draft guidelines for physicians on private consultations.
- The need for a specialist registry is discussed for the first time.
- PGIM’s request to conduct MRCP (UK) part I as a separate examination is accepted by the College. Fund raising activities for the CCP building starts, with the establishment of a Building Committee. A standing committee on CME is formed. A series of lectures on Emergencies in Medicine is organized and the texts of all lectures are published as a booklet.
- ‘Meet the specialist’ sessions is implemented by Dr Kolitha Sellahewa as a service project in Avissawella hospital. The activity involves both junior and senior doctors and helps further CME and enhance patient care.
- A satellite –assisted teleconference meeting on Occupational Medicine is held.

- Handson training workshops such as medical computing and interventional cardiology are conducted during the annual academic sessions.
- Under the Chairmanship of Dr Selvie Perera, College conducts a workshop on ways and means of implementing CME. CME diaries are made available for registering CME points and coordinators from outstations are appointed.
- PGIM continues dialogue with CCP on creation on new specialities. CCP is requested to provide information on reasons for the need of specialities, infrastructure and staff needs.
- Prof Rezvi Sheriff is appointed as the MRCP coordinator.
- Dr DC Banks from UK is elected the first Honorary Overseas Member of the CCP.
- Discussions continue between CCP, PGIM and RCP UK, regarding the holding of MRCP (UK) examinations in Sri Lanka, as PGIM plans to introduce its own MD (Medicine) Part 1 and 2 examinations for postgraduate training in Medicine.
- Dr PR Anthonis delivers the inaugural Dr GR Handy Memorial Lecture.
- A new series of lectures on “The Recent Advances in Medicine” commence.
- CME certificates are awarded for the first time at the inauguration ceremony of the Annual Academic Sessions
- The constitution is ammended to include a member each from the Colleges of Pathologists and Paediatricians and the Psychiatric Association in addition to the seven council members, with the intention that these specialties would always be represented in the Council.

- A standing committee on CME is appointed for 3 years to streamline CME activities.
- On a suggestion by Dr Sarath Gamini De Silva, discussions are initiated to change the name ‘Ceylon College of Physicians’ to ‘College of Physicians of Sri Lanka’.
- The already existing Young Physicians Award is named ‘Wijerama Young Physicians Award’ based on a request made by the family of late Dr EM Wijerama to initiate an award in the memory of Dr Wijerama. For the first time a joint congress is held with the Royal College of Physicians. A Satellite assited tele conference is held during the congress, with participants from Kandy, Australia and USA.
- The inaugural annual cricket match between the Ceylon College of Physicians and the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians is played on 20th July at Health Services Ground.
- After intense campaigning, CCP secures the right to nominate two representatives of the College to the Board of Study in Medicine at the PGIM. CCP council suggests to PGIM that the posts reserved for the College be equally distributed between the university and Ministry of Health members of the College; PGIM agrees and regulations to this effect were gazetted in 1999.
- The council agrees that even non-members should be allowed to submit orations as long as the content is of relevance to the objectives of the College.
- The College office at Wijerama House is refurbished and ceremonially opened on 15th June.
- CCP conducts MRCP Part I examination as an agency examination in Sri Lanka in collaboration with the British Council as the PGIM commences its own MD (Medicine) Part 1 to select PG trainees.
- College web page is established with the assistance of web designers. Dr Mahen Wijesuriya, President elect resigns due to ill health and the vacancy is filled by Dr Kolitha Sellahewa, who is elected uncontested.
- Dr Anula Wijesundere seeks legal advice and takes over the process for the proposed name change of the College from ‘Ceylon College of Physicians’ to ‘College of Physicians of Sri Lanka’
- A 30 perch land in Rajagiriya, is obtained on lease from UDA for the proposed CCP building. The first annual instalment is paid by Prof Rezvi Sheriff and his family.
- The Rajasuriya family makes an endowment to the College for the establishment of Prof K Rajasuriya memorial oration.
- The first regional meeting in Galle is held in collaboration with Galle Medical Association.
- The College commences publishing a series of “Guidelines on the Management of Common Clinical Problems.” Dr Bandula Wijesiriwardene is appointed editor of the series and the publications are distributed to all hospitals in the MoH served by physicians.
- An exemption from MRCP Part I for MD Part II holders is obtained from RCP (London)
- The efforts to change the name of the College continues. College writes to Hon. Minister of Health to seek his assistance
- An elegant new President’s academic gown is gifted to the College by Dr Mahen Wijesuriya.

- The request made by Dr Rajaratnam to introduce “Dr Henry Rajaratnam award for the best presentation in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism” at the AAS is accepted.
- The proposed name change of College is introduced into the order paper of parliamentary proceedings and a member of parliament is scheduled to read out the notice.
- The parliament sittings are prorogued on the scheduled date and as the parliament is dissolved within a few days, the name change is not achieved.
- Combined meetings are held in collaboration with Anti- Malaria Campaign, the Leprosy Association and the College of Venereologists.
- The “No alcohol policy” of the College is maintained throughout the year.
- The inaugural Professor K Rajasuriya Memorial Oration is delivered by Prof Justin LaBrooy on 16.03.2002 on “The Rajasuriya legacy in 21st century”
- Coordinated by Prof Rezvi Sheriff, the College conducts the MRCP Part II (theory) examination in Sri Lanka for the first time.
- Dr J B Peiris introduces a Neurology Quiz at the annual sessions and a special award is presented to the winner at the College Banquet.
- The College handbook is updated.
- Past Presidents are presented with a medal in recognition of the services rendered to College.
- A metal plaque of the College emblem for the Council room and a wooden panel with names of all past presidents are added to the College office.
- The foundation stone for the Phase 1 of the College building in Rajagiriya is laid on 12th October.
- The ceremonial opening of the new building of the College building in Rajagiriya is held on 7th June with Dr CG Uragoda as the Chief Guest.

- The CCP awards the Lionel Memorial Award in Pharmacology for the last time and hands it over to the Galle Medical Association.
- The first of the annual netball match between the Ceylon College of Physicians and the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians is played in September.
- Prof HJ de Silva, son of Dr PT de Silva is elected President, earning the unique distinction of being the only father- son duo in the institution’s history to have been elected to lead the College.
- The problem of brain drain of Sri Lankan post-MD trainees is highlighted during the Presidential address at the inauguration of the academic sessions. Subsequent correspondence between the colleges and the GMC leads to the tiered visa system being introduced in the UK for postgraduate trainees/students making it necessary for the PG trainees to return to Sri Lanka.

- The American College of Physicians send an official delegate to Sri Lanka for the first time.
- Dr Henry Rajaratnam Award for the best presentation in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism is awarded for the first time at the academic sessions.
- The preliminary discussions are held regarding participation of the College in the Health Sector Development Project (HSDP), a 4-year project conducted by the MoH and funded by the World Bank. Joint meetings are held with the Galle Medical Association, the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and College of Ophthalmologists to conduct CPD activities.

- Dr MK Ragunathan becomes the first member from an outstation to be elected to the office of the President.
- An agreement is signed with the Ministry of Health for the participation of the College in the Health Sector Development Project. Ten expert committees are appointed to work on best practice guidelines on ten identified clinical conditions.
- Prof K Rajasuriya award for the best poster presentation at the AAS is awarded for the first time. Ten regional meetings are held jointly with the regional clinical societies from different provinces. A Forum of Past Presidents of the College is organised to discuss issues of relevance and advice College.
- A pioneering meeting in the South Asian region on Obstetric Medicine is held with International Society of Obstetric Medicine and Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
- The annual sessions attract registrants from UAE and India for the first time.
- College website is re-launched and the College handbook is updated.
- The second stage of Health Sector Development project, is completed with the publication of ten Best Practice Guidelines for common medical conditions.
- The guidelines are distributed to Uva and Southern provinces with presidential visits to peripheral centres such as Mahiyanganaya and Moneragala.
- “Speciality Days” are added to the academic calendar.
- Dr Yamuna Ranaweera Herath receives the first Most Innovative Outstation Physician of the Year Award, introduced to recognize and reward outstation based physicians.
- An endowment is made by Dr Soma de Sylva for an award for the most successful candidate at the MD selection exam.
- A pre-congress workshop in celebration of World Elders’ Day and an EEG teaching course conducted by International league against epilepsy (ILAE) are conducted during the annual sessions.
- Third stage of the Health sector development project is continued. Training modules for medical and paramedical personnel are developed for common medical and investigational procedures.
- Third stage of the Health sector development project is completed. Training material are published as printed and electronic teaching material and training workshops are held for medical and paramedical personnel.
- College assists MoH to organize health camps for Internally Displaced Persons following the end of 30- year separatist war. College ensures uninterrupted health care by Physicians at these camps.
- A series of workshops on improving quality of care and minimising discrimination for HIV/AIDs patients in health care setting by training leaders of nursing profession is introduced.
- Workshop on “Training the Trainers” by RCP (London) is conducted during the academic sessions.
- Under Health sector development project surveys on use of clinical guidelines in Uva and Southern provinces are completed and the report is handed over to HSDP office. The project ends successfully.
- The workshop series on improving quality of care and minimising discrimination for HIV/AIDs patients in health care setting by training leaders of nursing profession continues.
- Foundation Sessions especially aiming at outstation physicians are launched.
- The Inaugural Foundation Sessions are ceremonially conducted in collaboration with the Kandy Society of Medicine in July to coincide with the inaugural month of the CCP. Dr Indika Gawarammana delivers the Professor K Rajasuriya memorial oration and makes history by becoming the first orator of the Foundation sessions.
- In an effort to minimize mortality of Dengue, CCP, in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Association of Paediatricians, initiates training of physicians and paediatricians throughout the country on management of Dengue according to new management protocols.
- After a lapse of 30 years, a workshop for Nurses on “Stroke rehabilitation” and a seminar for doctors on “Cost effective interventions to prevent and control non communicable diseases” are conducted in Jaffna, in collaboration with Jaffna Medical Association. More than 75 selected nurses from Jaffna district are trained in stroke rehabilitation.
- CCP goes on a family trip for the first time.
- A thallasaemia training program is held in Galle in collaboration with the Gall Medical Association and Ruhunu Clinical Society.
- Workshops on research methodology, biostatistics and medical writing are held for the registrars and senior registrars.
- On invitation by the Ministry of Health, the College prepares the National Guidelines for Primary Prevention of NCDs and conducts a trainer traning workshop on “Total risk approach for non-communicable disease management”.
- The constitution is changed at an Extraordinary General Meeting held in August to broaden the representation of members in the council. Two new categories are introduced:
- Two Outstation Members working in provinces other than the Western
- Two Junior Members with less than 5 years after Board Certification as a
- Regional meetings and workshops coordinated jointly with regional physicians and National Stroke Association of Sri Lanka are held in each province for doctors and allied health care personnel.
- A trainer/ trainee meeting to improve understanding between postgraduates trainers and trainees in the new postgraduate centre at the Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura is held. Similar meetings are held in Jaffna, Batticaloa and Hambantota.
- Beyond Medicine lectures are introduced for the first time to broaden the horizons of members on non-medial areas. The inaugural lecture is delivered by Dr Prithiviraj Fernando on “Elephants, conflicts and conservation”.
- The College website is redesigned. Online abstract submission and online registration for the AAS is made available for the first time. New official email addresses are created.
- Two round table meetings with finer speciality colleges/ associations held in order to improve links with the College.
- The immunology and allergy essay competition is held for the first time in collaboration with UK-Sri Lanka Immunology Foundation.
- Regular meetings with DGHS are initiated.
- Long term strategic plan for the CCP is proposed by the President and a residential workshop is held to develop the plan further.
- A novel, interactive pre-congress session on “Meet the expert” is introduced at AAS, where participants discuss clinical cases on selected areas with world authorities.
- A weekly e-newsletter is commenced for the first time. A facebook page is opened to enhance connectivity with members. All academic activities are web-casted via Corpus Medici.
- Guidelines are developed on pregnancy related medical disorders as a collaborative effort between the Family Health Bureau and the College.
- Several projects of national importance are launched, namely, the minimum resources package which defines the minimum requirement by a physician to function effectively in each category of hospital, upgrading lab services in Sri Lanka and accident and emergency project. All projects are developed with contributions from regional physicians and finer-specialists.
- The College facilitates interviews for the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) scheme of RCPL. This provided an oppertuntiy for PG trainees to find overseas placements.
- Committees are appointed to implement the long term strategic plan initiated in 2013. They include postgraduate training advisory committee (PGTAC), clinical guidelines committee (CGC), membership development and member services committee (MDMSC), patient, community and ethics committee (PCEC), institutional relationships and international affairs committee (IRIAC), finance, administration and infrastructure development committee (FAIDC) and education, training and research committee (ETRC).
- Felicitaion of Past Presidents during the Inaguration Ceremony of the sessions is initiated.
- The first regional meeting with international collaboration is held in Jaffna with a delegation from RCP London. The RCP team is headed by Prof David Warrell, International Director for RCP

- Several new features are introduced to the AAS. Notable among these are the “Breakfast capsules” where small group discussions on specific areas are held between and experts and participants in an informal environment, and “Skills pavilion”, a group of interactive teaching sessions focussing on clinical skills. “Difficult conversations”, a pre- congress workshop for the postgraduate trainees, is conducted in collaboration with the RCP, London.
- Dr WAS de Silva award for the best paper on tropical diseases is awarded for the first time.
- A public health awareness seminar is conducted for the first time on exercise and healthy lifestyle. Work on establishment of MRCP PACES is carried out.
- Under the Long terms strategic plan, interactive teaching modules on anaphylaxis, arrhythmia and vertigo are developed and the modules are conducted at regional meetings, national meetings, state and private sector hospitals.
- Award for the Best publication by a physician is introduced.
- A complete membership database is developed and bulk SMS alerts service for the membership is initiated.
- A nation-wide audit on acute coronary syndromes (ACCSLAP) is conducted in collaboration with Sri Lanka Heart Association and Quality and safety unit of MoH.
- In collaboration with MoH, training programmes are conducted for pre-interns under the Accident and Emergency Project in major teaching hospitals.
- On a donation made by Dr Ranjita Wickramanayake, “Dr Ranjita Wickramanayake research grant in Diabetes” is established.
- Best outstations research award is introduced for the best research work done in an outstation setting. CCP hosts the pilot MRCP PACES examination, known as the Pathfinder, at NHSL in February, Colombo.
- The first PACES examination in Sri Lanka is held in November with 25 local and 18 international candidates taking the exam.
- For the first time a ceremony is held to felicitate the College cricket and netball players of College.
Standing 2nd Row:
– Dr Yamuna Rajapakse,
Dr Suranga Manilgama,
Prof SAM Kularatne.
(Left to Right): – Dr. Uditha Bulugahapitiya, Dr Kishara Gooneratne, Dr Harshini Rajapakse, Dr Dumitha Govindapala.
Standing 1st Row: – Dr Namal Wijesinghe, Dr Dilhar Samaraweera, Dr Asanka Rathnayake.
(Left to Right): – Dr Chandimani Undugodage, Dr Ganaka Senaratne, Dr Priyankara Jayawardane, Dr S Rishikesavan (Honorary Treasurer), Dr Duminda Munidasa, Dr Kithsri Karunatilake, Prof Chandanie Wanigatunge, Prof J Indrakumar, Dr Athula Weeraratne.
Seated: – Dr Barana Millawithana (Honorary Joint Secretary), Prof Chandrika Wijeyaratne
(Left to Right): – Prof Saman Gunatilake, Dr Udaya Ranawaka, Dr Lalith Wijayaratne, Dr Panduka Karunanayake (President-Elect), Dr SD Jayaratne (President), Dr Nihal Gunatillaka (Immediate Past President), Dr JB Peiris, Dr Henry Rajaratnam, Dr Nanda Amarasekera, Dr Naomali Amarasena, Dr Chamil Marasinghe (Honorary Joint Secretary).
(Left to Right): – Dr. Uditha Bulugahapitiya, Dr Kishara Gooneratne, Dr Harshini Rajapakse, Dr Dumitha Govindapala.
Standing 1st Row: – Dr Namal Wijesinghe, Dr Dilhar Samaraweera, Dr Asanka Rathnayake.
(Left to Right): – Dr Chandimani Undugodage, Dr Ganaka Senaratne, Dr Priyankara Jayawardane, Dr S Rishikesavan (Honorary Treasurer), Dr Duminda Munidasa, Dr Kithsri Karunatilake, Prof Chandanie Wanigatunge, Prof J Indrakumar, Dr Athula Weeraratne.
Seated: – Dr Barana Millawithana (Honorary Joint Secretary), Prof Chandrika Wijeyaratne
(Left to Right): – Prof Saman Gunatilake, Dr Udaya Ranawaka, Dr Lalith Wijayaratne, Dr Panduka Karunanayake (President-Elect), Dr SD Jayaratne (President), Dr Nihal Gunatillaka (Immediate Past President), Dr JB Peiris, Dr Henry Rajaratnam, Dr Nanda Amarasekera, Dr Naomali Amarasena, Dr Chamil Marasinghe (Honorary Joint Secretary).
- A Special Commemorative Stamp and First Day Cover is issued by the Philatelic Bureau.
- The College commemorates its Golden Jubilee with its first ever medical exhibition to the public.
- The exhibition “Mahajana Suwadhana” is declared open by Hon. Rajitha Senaratne, the Minister of Health on 14th July 2017. Held in collaboration with other Colleges and Associations of related specialities and health care service providers, the exhibition provided the public with a unique opportunity to meet physicians from all specialities under one roof and clarify health related issues.
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